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Next Faculty Senate Meeting:
Friday, March 7, 2025 | 1:10 - 3 pm
Room 375, Clayton University Center Boardroom
Faculty Senate Suggestion Box
Contact the senate about any matter (anonymously if you wish)

Role of the Faculty Senate

The Lehigh Faculty Senate provides the faculty’s voice in university governance and in communication with all groups within the campus community. The faculty senate’s scope spans consultation with campus groups (particularly the administration), shared decision-making, and full responsibility for academic curricula and procedures. The work of the senate involves both formal consultation on policy issues and university operations as well as communication with faculty and the campus community. Areas of relevance to the senate include educational and research policy, hiring policy including tenure and promotion, protection of academic freedom, university operations including budget and admissions, and matters of campus life including fostering an inclusive environment for all.

Quick Links

Please reference our Unit & Program Head Guide for Consulting with the Faculty Senate. 

Please reference our Faculty Guide for Consulting with the Faculty Senate. 

There is an asynchronous component to each monthly Faculty Senate Meeting.  Senators can find documents for review and comments on Course Site. 

Please find the most up-to-date version of R&P here

Please find the current version of the Faculty Code of Ethics here

Please find Faculty Senate meeting dates here

Please find Consent Calendar documents here

Please find Agendas for Faculty Senate meetings here

Please find Senate meeting minutes here

Please find university standing committee information here

Contact Information

Chair: Peter Zeitler,
Vice-Chair: Jenna Lay,
Faculty Senate Executive Committee: E-mail the chair or vice-chair
Senate Liaison: Jessica Jackson, Program Manager, Provost’s Office,